Efficient breathing is essential for optimal health. With today's fast paced lifestyle, many people experience stress and anxiety related breathing disorders. When this is combined with underlying respiratory problems such as asthma or other co-existing health problems the result is often debilitating. Breathing is the first step in regaining control.

Bradcliff Breathing practitioners are passionate about providing strategies that include education and drug-free options. The Bradcliff method is a structured, research based physiotherapy assessment and treatment programme for treating functional breathing pattern disorders in people of all ages.

It looks at dysfunctional breathing as an indicator of physiological and mechanical imbalances and psychological stress in the human body.

Helen Nott is a Bradcliff certified therapist and can assist with :

  • Anxiety and panic attacks - in sport, work and social situations

  • Elite athletes and performers - voice and breath control for optimal performance

  • Nasal and sinus problems

  • Sleep related disorders and snoring

  • Asthma and respiratory conditions

  • Lack of focus and inattention

  • Shortness of breath

First session: The initial 1 hour assessment focusses on taking a full history, completing clinical tests and observations and explaining the reasons for particular symptoms.  If poor breathing is the issue then clients will be given simple strategies to help manage symptoms, prevent recurrence and get their breathing back under control. The therapist will also address any musculo-skeletal imbalances that may be contributing to symptoms. It is important to experience what relaxed breathing feels like and how to maintain this.

Ongoing sessions: Most clients will be reviewed within 2 weeks and will attend 5-6 half hour sessions over 3-6 months.